19 October 2012

October 2012 Newsletter

Connecting in Christchurch

Wong Family Reunion
       Saturday 19th & Sunday 20th January 2013

St Michael and All Angels School 
249 Durham Street

You will all be looking forward to warmer weather. It may seem that we have come out of hibernation after winter; however the group has not been idle. We have managed to confirm more details and calculate costs for the weekend.

Now is the time to confirm your travel and accommodation arrangements…

The Wong Family Reunion is now only three and a half months away. Due to the large amount of interest amongst members of our Family Tree, we are expecting a great turnout. Thank you to the family members who have given us feedback so far. We have found your comments/suggestions most helpful.

Old photos and documents:

Now is the time to start looking through your old photo albums to recall the wonderful memories from the past that you would like to bring along to the reunion. You could make up a photo board or put them in a photo album which we will display during the reunion. Some of you may also have other items of interest such as old immigration documents, poll tax documents etc. to bring along. Any PowerPoint presentations will be shown through the projector and laptop available.

Wong Family Reunion Blog:

We have set up a blog on the internet with details of the programme for the reunion. It also contains a brief history of Willie Wong, Wong Kwai Koon, Harry Wong and George Qu Wong.  This will be kept up to date with information about the reunion, people registered to attend and any interesting items.

Bookmark this website now:   http://christchurch2013.blogspot.co.nz/

We are looking for more funding for this event...
We are also looking for donations of prizes for activities…

·       Suitable sponsors for this event

·       Donations of money

·       Donations of prizes for the activities - for all age groups

·       Donations of food items eg. fruit, chocolates, refreshments, wine

As the extended Wong family has spread far and wide both professionally and geographically, many family members will have close affiliations with generous organisations. Do you work in such a workplace/company? Every little bit, big or small, will help towards this great weekend.
Any money left over will be donated to the St Michael's School Foundation Appeal which was established to help towards repairing earthquake damage to the school and strengthening the school buildings for the future. Many Wong Family members were educated at this school so we believe that this is a very worthwhile cause.

General call for volunteers:

As our committee is small, we need volunteers in the lead up to and during the weekend. All help is much appreciated.  We will be formulating a detailed “jobs list” to ensure that the weekend runs smoothly.

Registration forms and registration fee details…

…are attached to this newsletter. The fee is an all inclusive fee for all reunion activities, meals and bus trip as detailed on the programme. We have endeavoured to keep costs as low as possible.

If you haven't received your Registration Form please contact us.
Please register by 17 November 2012.

Cecil Wong   cecilw88@ihug.co.nz       Janice Sew Hoy     pjsewhoy@gmail.com

Lillian Gin  ginlk@hotmail.com             Mary Young           young5@xtra.co.nz

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