03 March 2012

First Newsletter

FAMILY REUNION                                                                     Newsletter 1, September 2011

Dear Family Member,

There comes a time in the life of most families when a reunion, a gathering of the clan, would seem like a good idea.  A few of us have got together recently and thought it would be good to make that idea a reality.
Like all families, the Wong family has grown in number and many no longer live in the towns where they were born. Our busy lives and the distances that separate us have meant that we no longer keep in touch with all members of the extended family: our children may not know who their relatives are or what they look like. It is time to hold our first-ever reunion – to renew our family ties, to introduce the different generations to each other, and to remember where we come from.
We thought that we should meet again in the city where it all began for the Wong family – Christchurch. It was where both Harry and Willie Wong settled after emigrating from China and the initial port of entry for George Qu Wong.
The reunion would involve as many members of the different branches as possible, that is the descendants of Willie Wong, Wong Kwai Koon, Harry Wong, Aunty Wong/Mrs Low, and George Qu Wong.
It is always hard to decide on a date that would suit most people, but we thought that the weekend of
Saturday 19 – Sunday 20 January 2013 would be good as

• it gives us all sufficient time (over a year) to plan;

• schools and universities are still on holiday, giving everyone the option of spending extra days in Christchurch if they wish;

• the summer weather is pleasant enough to allow for outings and outdoor photo shoots;

• and holding the reunion at this time would mean avoiding any public holiday surcharges for restaurants, etc.
Although we are still in the very early stages of planning, we hope to keep you informed. So far, we have a small steering committee of four, and we are now looking for more people to help with the organization: preferably someone from each branch that is not represented yet. Please could you email us if you would like to join the organising group (contact details are as listed below).
So, please put the date, time and place for this reunion in your diary for 19-20 January 2013, CHRISTCHURCH and look out for more newsletters from us – we’ll be in touch!

Kind regards,

Cecil Wong  cecilw88@ihug.co.nz   Janice Sew Hoy pjsewhoy@gmail.com

Lillian Gin ginlk@hotmail.com    Mary Young  young5@xtra.co.nz

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